Message from our Principal
Aanii nengodweyaangizjik,
On behalf of the staff of the Wiikwemkoong Pontiac School, I am happy to welcome you and your child to the 2023-2024 school year. The success of our students depends on the support of the team around them. At Wiikwemkoong Pontiac School, we are committed to building a strong team to support our students, as they become responsible, respectful, and contributing members of our community. Parents, families, staff, and the community must work together to support our children. Arts involvement, athletic events, literacy activities, community partner events/workshops, and language and culture initiatives are just a few of the ways that we engage and support our students as a team. Please consider joining our Parent council to help guide the decisions made at Wiikwemkoong Pontiac School.
As always, we intend to best serve your child(ren) as they gain confidence, agility, and strength in meeting challenges. We believe in the power of the word "yet"; and we know that all students have the right and the ability to learn in safe environments. My door is always "open"; please reach out if you have compliments, concerns, or questions.
Nicole Peltier- Principal