Walking the Path
Walking the Path is an educational initiative that focuses on teaching Native and non Native students about the history, beliefs and cultural traditions of Aboriginal peoples. Developed and supported by the Ontario Provinicial Police (OPP) and using Anishnabe cultural teachings as a foundation, it is designed as a way of providing all students with insight into Native culture, and Native youth in particular, as a way to instill pride in who they are and where they come from.
Walking the Path addresses the belief that young people who have the self-respect and self-confidence to function independently are better prepared to cope with negative influences or peer pressure. Individuals who feel good about themselves are much more likely to respect others as well as the rules and laws of their community. A positive self-image is essential for a person to function as a responsible and contributing member of society.
Walking the Path involves the delivery of youth empowerment strategies; promotes self-concept, self-esteem and respect for others; and deals with issues such as healing from trauma, abuse and racism, and combating stereotypes, prejudices and biases. Walking the Path has grown into an award-winning youth empowerment initiative.